Monday, July 8, 2024

Applications for Weighing Cattle Using Your Cell Phone

Technology has advanced significantly in the agricultural sector, providing innovative tools that make the lives of rural producers easier. One of these innovations are applications for weighing cattle using a cell phone. These applications allow accurate and quick measurement of cattle weight, helping with management and strategic decision-making. Next, we'll look at some of the best applications available on the market for this purpose.


BovineScales is a revolutionary application that allows rural producers to accurately weigh cattle using just their cell phone. It uses advanced computer vision techniques to estimate the animal's weight from a photo.


  • Weight Estimation: The application allows you to estimate the weight of cattle from images taken with your cell phone.
  • Animal Registration: Enables detailed recording of each animal, facilitating weight control over time.
  • Reports: Generates detailed reports with the animals’ weight history.

How to use

  1. Download the BovineScales app from the App Store or Google Play.
  2. Take a photo of the cattle following the app's instructions.
  3. BovineScales will automatically calculate the animal's weight.


CattleWeight is another excellent app for weighing cattle using your cell phone. It offers an intuitive interface and several features that help producers manage their herds.


  • Weight Calculator: Uses specific measurements of the animal's body to calculate approximate weight.
  • Database: Stores detailed information for each animal, including weight, age and breed.
  • Integration with Spreadsheets: Allows you to export data to Excel spreadsheets for more in-depth analysis.

How to use

  1. Download the CattleWeight app from your preferred app store.
  2. Enter the animal's measurements as requested by the application.
  3. CattleWeight will provide the weight estimate based on the measurements provided.


eCow is an application globally recognized for its effectiveness in weighing cattle. It is widely used by rural producers in different parts of the world due to its precision and ease of use.


  • Quick Weight Estimation: Calculates cattle weight quickly using advanced algorithms.
  • Herd Management: Offers tools to manage the entire herd, with individual records for each animal.
  • Multilingual Support: Available in multiple languages, making it accessible to producers around the world.

How to use

  1. Download eCow from the App Store or Google Play.
  2. Follow the instructions to capture the image or enter the cattle measurements.
  3. The app will provide the animal's weight estimate in seconds.

Livestock Weighing

Livestock Weighing is an excellent choice for producers looking for a simple and efficient app to weigh livestock. It offers basic functionalities with high accuracy.


  • Photographic Weighing: Allows you to weigh cattle based on photos taken with your cell phone.
  • Weighing History: Maintains a history of all weighings carried out for each animal.
  • User-friendly Interface: Simple, easy-to-use interface ideal for producers of all experience levels.

How to use

  1. Download and install the Livestock Weighing app from your phone's app store.
  2. Take a photo of the livestock as per the app's guidelines.
  3. The application will calculate the weight and save the information in the history.


iLivestock is a complete herd management application, including cattle weighing. It offers a variety of tools that assist in efficient animal management.


  • Smart Weighing: Uses computer vision technology to estimate the weight of animals.
  • Complete Management: Tools for recording and monitoring animal health, nutrition and reproduction.
  • Data Export: Allows you to export data for analysis in other software.

How to use

  1. Download iLivestock from your device's app store.
  2. Capture the image of the cattle or enter measurements as requested.
  3. iLivestock will provide the weight estimate and store the data for future reference.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

How can these applications estimate the weight of cattle?

The applications use advanced computer vision techniques and specific algorithms that analyze cattle measurements and images to estimate weight with high precision.

Are the apps accurate when weighing cattle?

Yes, most of the apps mentioned offer an accurate estimate of livestock weight as long as the instructions for use are followed correctly.

Is it necessary to have an internet connection to use these applications?

Most apps work offline for weighing livestock, but you may need to be online to download the app, updates and sync data.

Are these apps free?

Some apps are free with basic functionality, while others may offer advanced features through subscriptions or in-app purchases.

How do I choose the best app for my needs?

Choose the app that best suits your needs based on the features offered, the user interface and reviews from other users. Testing different apps can help you find the most suitable one.


Applications for weighing livestock using your cell phone are valuable tools that help rural producers manage their herds more efficiently and accurately. With several options available on the market, it is possible to choose the one that best suits the specific needs of each producer. These applications not only make weighing animals easier, they also provide a series of additional features that help with complete herd management. Therefore, it is worth exploring these technologies and taking advantage of the advantages they offer to the agricultural sector.